Yoga has been a part of my life for over 20 years and a profound addition to my world.
Letting go of false beliefs,becoming authentic and in touch with my Mind Body soul connection are just a few of the benefits I have experienced.
All of my training has been with Ashram Yoga based in Parnell Auckland and Ohui in the Coromandel .I remain eternally grateful for the incredible Teachers Training they have given me,especially to Shantimurti and Atma Okan for transforming my world through their wisdom and incredible knowledge of Yoga.
Through teaching in the Communities of Tairua Pauanui and Whenuakite over the last 5 years as well as the many years teaching in Auckland Gyms,at Ashram Yoga in Parnell,Community Centres and Coorperate environments previous to that,
I have been blessed to witness the transformation of my clients and see their peace of mind,strength and flexibility increase.
I welcome enquiries for my current timetable (seasonal changes apply) and also offer private classes for beginners and those wanting to develop their own practice or daily sadhna.
Please check out my yoga “Retreats” page on the menu to see the other ways you can indulge in the experience of Yoga in a deeper way.